Dear Prospective Candidate:
We are pleased that you are considering entering the 2025 Miss Butler County Scholarship Competition which will be held at 7:00 pm on Saturday, November 16, 2024, at BC3’s Succop Auditorium (107 College Dr, Butler, PA 16002).
The titles of Miss Butler’s Teen and Miss Moraine State’s Teen are open to all contestants eligible for Miss Pennsylvania’s Teen. In order to award these 2 titles we will need at least 6 entrants (we are required to have at least three contestants per title). Both titles lead directly to Miss Pennsylvania’s Teen competition which will be held in June in York, Pa. Candidates must be between the ages of 13 and 18 by December 31, 2025. All candidates must reside or attend school full time in Pennsylvania. Scoring in the competition is as follows:
30% Private Interview
40% Talent
20% Evening Wear / On Stage Question
10% Lifestyle & Fitness
Please check the Miss Butler County website for additional contestant requirements and scoring information. If you are not sure of your eligibility, please contact us for assistance: Kathy Bray (724) 735-2284 (please cc Judy Hughes (724) 458-5145) prior to submitting your application.
No fees paid on
Fee paid to Local Competition
All winners will advance to Miss Pennsylvania completion. In addition, all will receive a Miss America local crown, sash, and scholarship.
Teen Titleholders: $300
1st runner-up: $200
Non Finalist: $100
The private interview will take place on the date of the competition (November 16), during the morning or afternoon prior to the start of on-stage competition. The judges are seated, and the candidate is at a podium in front of the judges. The judges’ chairperson will introduce you and the questions begin immediately. Do not go to the judges table to shake hands with the judges. You will immediately go to the podium and begin to answer questions. For Teen Candidates the interview length is 8 minutes. The first 7 and ½ minutes are spent on questions and answers. At the 7 and ½ minutes mark, one of the judges will tell you that the formal part of your interview has been completed and ask if you wish to add anything at that time. If you choose to do so you have ½ minute to speak. It is your decision whether to end the interview at that point or to add something. Your decision does not influence your scoring but, if you chose to add something it does play a part in your scoring. Please remember that no visual aids, paperwork, or props may be brought into the interview.
Teen Candidate Requirement Guide
Judges preview your Resume, Social Impact Initiative Statement and Photo.
Paperwork & Forms are provided by an email request to the local Director. (or found here online)
No Hand Written Paperwork.
Fill out the forms and send via email to the local Director.
Teen Requirements:
□ Application – COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION (For Local Competition use only, Not for Judges to see)
□ Birth Certificate Copy
□ Photo ID – Drivers License copy or permit, School ID
□ Resume – Typed per MAOT Instructions (DO NOT CHANGE FORMAT of the FORM)
□ Social Impact Statement – Typed per MAOT Instructions
□ Talent Registration Form – Typed
□ Photo Headshot – (jpeg format)
□ Teen must register with MOT
□ Talent music per local competition – If not accompanying yourself… upload a 90 second MP3 file to us by the application deadline.
Teen Wardrobe for the Following:
□ Interview Outfit
□ On Stage Interview – (It is recommended to use your Private Interview Outfit at the local level)
□ Talent Costume
□ Glamor Evening Gown
□ Health & Fitness Wear (Rebel red top required, black leggings, and sneakers w/out “bling” ✨)
Please be courteous and turn in paperwork ASAP to the local organizations per the deadline.
ALL paperwork can be updated for each local with the titles you are competing for, any community service, volunteer work, and hours you have donated, along with the money you have raised for MAOT and your social initiative from one local to another. This is required for Miss America reports only.